Split jackpot still leaves player with a smile!

Fantasy 5A lucky Lottery player from Detroit won half of the Fantasy 5 jackpot from the April 23 drawing. The total amount of the jackpot, $128,598 was split between two winners, both from Detroit.

The player, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been playing the same numbers for about 17 years. He was watching TV when the winning Lottery numbers for the day were shown. He immediately recognized his numbers, and was “very happy” to know he was a winner.  Even when he discovered that he would be splitting the jackpot with another player, and his winnings would total $64,299, he still felt “blessed” to win. “This will take a lot of burdens off me,” he said.

The other Fantasy 5 winner has not yet claimed their prize. To do so, they would need to call the Lottery at 517-373-1237 to set up a winner’s appointment to claim their $64,299.

The winning tickets were sold at Caslin Party Store located at 2872 Ewald Circle and Mobil located at 15500 W. Chicago St.  Both retailers are in the city of Detroit.

Over 95 cents of every dollar spent on Lottery tickets is returned to the state in the form of contributions to the state School Aid Fund, prizes to players and commissions to retailers. In fiscal year 2011, the contribution to schools was over $727.3 million. Since its inception in 1972, the Lottery has contributed over $16 billion to education in Michigan.

For information on all Lottery games, please visit the Lottery’s Web site at www.michiganlottery.com.

“The Michigan Lottery. All across the state good things happen.”

 Contact:  Andi Brancato, PR Director  517-335-5648
Agency:  Michigan Lottery Public Relations

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